Mr Lee Kuan Yew
Former Minister, Singapore (1959 – 2011)
About The Speaker
Mr Lee Kuan Yew was Singapore’s first Prime Minister and an integral figure in transforming the country into the cosmopolitan financial centre spotting a first world skyline it is now. During his premiership, he led Singapore through its merger with Malaysia and later separation and independence in year 1965. The country blossomed into a first world economic hub and the PAP also won the General Elections 8 times under his leadership. In 1990 he was appointed as Senior Minister and later Minister Mentor in 2004.
He has since left cabinet after the 2011 Singapore General Elections to allow the current Prime Minister and also his son, Mr Lee Hsien Loong and his team to govern the country.
An Entrepreneurial Culture for Singapore
5 February 2002
The remaking of Singapore does not mean we throw out every strength and virtue we have developed.
Speaking at the inaugural Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lecture Series, former Singapore Minister Mentor Mr Lee Kuan Yew, alluded to the four salient features of America’s entrepreneurial culture: a national emphasis on personal independence and self-reliance, respect for those starting new businesses, acceptance of failure in entrepreneurial efforts and tolerance for a high degree of income disparity. He called for a change of culture, values and mindset towards encouraging more entrepreneurs. Mr Lee believed that while entrepreneurship is latent in Singapore society, it is not extinct, and the key to unlocking this latent potential lies in the education and inspiration of the youth.
Media Coverage
SM points the way to stronger economy
Change our value and develop an entrepreneurial culture
SM Lee was the inaugural guest speaker at the annual event organised by SMU. Lianhe Zaobao